ZME50: 2 Houses for Rebuilding

Anadia, Aveiro



2 houses in ruins, fig tree, well, land with 780m2.

Property Advertised by: Licensed Estate Agent

Property Description

2 houses for rebuilding, located next to the EN1/IC2, in village of Avelãs de Caminho;

Unobstructed views to the west, a yard, fig tree and a well;

Land with 780m2, 2 houses in ruins and land for cultivation;

Construction of two floors with 420m2, with storage underneath 144m2, in need of total refurbishment

House with gross area of ??276m2; Construction of 1941 (exempt from use license);

Excellent potential for building a house with leisure space, for daily living or a second home.


Health centre;



Cafes, bars and restaurants;


Sports Park and Picnic Park;

Cultural and recreational associations;

In the small village of Avelãs de Caminho you will find the necessary shops for day-to-day purchases, among other utilities. Anadia, Mealhada or Agueda are less than 15 minutes away.

Value of IMI – €67.48/year.


Property Location

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