LNG32-5: Aldeia Renovated House (Reserved) (Reserved)

Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco



2 bedroom semi detached house, completely renovated.It has a storage room that serves as a workshop and another door serves as storage.

Property Advertised by: Licensed Estate Agent

Property Description

2 bedroom semi-detached house located in the centre of Aldeia de Aranhas, Aranhas.

Completely renovated and have a kitchen and a lounge room.

There is a fireplace with stove, floors and ceilings are in excellent condition.

Windows on the first floor provide natural light.

Bedroom on the ground floor has a mezzanine that makes up the second bedroom.

It has a storage room that serves as a workshop and another door serves as storage.

Terrace overlooking the village, in a quiet location.

Connected to network services, it is ready to move in.

Property Location

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