RMCB385-1: Large farm near village

Idanha-a-Nova, Castelo Branco



Land which is walled with 14ha & a house with 149m2 with 3 bedrooms & attic. 3 boreholes, pond, electricity, 2660 cork oaks, 103 holm oaks & many fruit trees.

Property Advertised by: Licensed Estate Agent

Property Description

Land which is all walled, with 14ha well located in a village near Idanha-a-Nova.

House with 149m2 area, licenced for living in, kitchen with fireplace, living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, bathroom and attic.

It also has a beautiful porch where you can enjoy pleasant moments in the company of family and friends.

There is a barn for storage and animals.

The property is served by 3 boreholes with plenty of water and a pond.

Electricity connected.

The plot also includes vegetable garden and a wilder area with 2660 cork oaks over 9 years old and 103 holm oaks.

There are many more varied fruit trees including pear, quince, orange, apple, peach, fig, loquat, pomegranate, tangerine, apricots, lemon, almond and persimmon. Huge olive grove with 365 olive trees and vineyard, with very good production.

Good access to any type of vehicle.

Property Location

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