MTB19: The Ruins

Tábua, Coimbra



Land with 3 ruins for reconstruction. Land with 346m2

Property Advertised by: Licensed Estate Agent

Property Description

Land with 3 ruins for reconstruction in Moitas, Covas, in a quiet place with good views, about 14km from Tábua and 8km from Oliveira do Hospital, locality with all the necessary amenities and services. The university town of Coimbra is about 65km away.

There was an approved project for the property, although already expired can serve as a reference for a new project. The ruins all are granite.

The footprint area cannot be increased, however there may be the possibility of building one more floor.

The connection of water and electricity is simple to solve since there are other houses in the surroundings.






Covas e Vila Nova de Oliveirinha


2 Bedrooms

Internal Area


Land area


Energy Rating



Property Location

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