LNG29-5: Clock tower house (Reserved)

Penamacor, Castelo Branco



Stunning semi-detached 4 bedroom house, basement & large attic, mains water & electricity are connected.

Property Advertised by: Licensed Estate Agent

Property Description

Stunning semi-detached house in Penamacor.

On the edge of the historic area, the house has a small garden that has an extraordinary view of the Clock Tower.

The property consists of three floors, with a basement and storage area that could be repurposed.

4 bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen.

The house is quite spacious, the common areas have generous proportions, as well as windows, which allow in natural light.

The floors and ceilings are in excellent condition, the Interior doors have excellent finishes, The attic area has enough ceiling height to be converted in to another bedroom.

Mains connections are ready and working.

Property Location

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